According to a report from life sciencemaybe one day this planet Soil can stay away from orbitcausing it to leave the solar system.
Therefore, after millions of years, the planet on which we live can get away from this by the action of an object that will return from space and will pass close to Earth and if it passes at high speed. speed could have consequences.
Likewise, professor of physics and astronomy remains at Cardiff University, Timothy Davisexplained that it was possible for the Earth to be expelled from the Solar System, because he mentioned that although its orbit is stable, it has contact with others star can cause reactions in gravity.
Correspondingly, aerospace engineer and professor of space systems at the University of Glasgow in the UK, Matteo Ceriottiindicating that the event would be highly unlikely as he commented, “Earth could be moved from its orbit by the action of a very large interstellar object, fly through interstellar space and reach the solar system and pass close to Earth.”.
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To recapitulate, Earth could leave orbit, if the stars were too close to our planet, because they would produce Energy and gravitationally it will leave the Solar System.
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