FIS summit on cross-country skiing and money: – This is very important

The race director for cross-country skiers, Pierre Mignerey, said that the International Ski and Snowboard Federation was working on the idea of ​​joint ski preparation. Norway’s head of lubrication, Stein Olav Snesrud, thinks it’s impossible.

Mignerey said that many federations in Europe are struggling with cross-border economics.

– This is important for countries like Switzerland, France, Italy and other countries in Europe, but they are struggling. “If we don’t reduce costs and invest money in young people, there will be fewer and fewer countries willing to fight for the top spot,” Mignerey told VG.

The UK, which has long collaborated with Norway on service teams, has a very poor economy that they could no longer afford a coachthat VG wrote about earlier this summer.

– The UK is a big worry, they are heading in a better direction. Some countries like Norway may be able to help. What happened in England was truly bad news, Mignerey said.

HEAD IN SWISS: Guri Hetland will soon be moving to Switzerland.  Here's after NM's gold in the 2008 relay.

There are three months until the World Cup season kicks off in Ruka, Finland on November 25. Then a large lubrication trailer to Norway was installed. Several countries have oil buses, some are small, and Norway has large buses.

Guri Knotten will become director of Nordic events and biathlon in Switzerland from September 1, On Monday, he unveiled the proposal in VG.

– We can do more standardization on the equipment side. Countries with smaller resources have to spend a larger share of their budgets on lubrication and equipment. This goes beyond the opportunities they have to do recruiting work and develop athletes. Maybe we should test a common lubrication setting for everyone? Knotten said.

At the spring meeting of the cross-country skiing committee at FIS, a working group was formed.

– Skis and lubrication have been discussed for years, now we have a working group to find a solution. It may not be the same as lubrication, but we have to find an economically sustainable model for some countries, Mignerey told VG and continued:

– We have talked about the FIS lubrication team for everyone, an equal system. But no matter what, there will always be differences. The runners have different skis. Junior runners in Norway do not have the same equipment as Johannes Høsflot Klæbo.

Mignerey looked to Formula 1 for inspiration.

– There are rules for how many engines can be replaced and there are rules for tires. Can we have the same system? There are many different opinions. Germany has proposed reducing the number of skiers, Mignerey said.

SMØREBUSS: Stein Olav Snesrud is the boss of a Norwegian cross-border lubricants company.  Here during the WC in Seefeld in 2019.

The head of lubricants for the Norwegian national cross-country team, Stein Olav Snesrud, welcomed the debate.

– But sharing everything goes against our competitive nature, says Snesrud.

– Is it possible for all countries to declare what lubricants they will lubricate on the day of the competition, and what lubricants they are testing?

– I think not that. And I don’t think that’s the key. On the other hand, it is a myth that we have many secrets on the product side. We are experts at handcrafting, and we have dedication. Then the total would be good, Snesrud said.

Snesrud called on FIS to take more cooperative initiatives to help countries experiencing financial difficulties.

– But for FIS to take over all the defamation, I don’t think they want that. I don’t think that will work, and it’s difficult to achieve that in a fair way. But we are happy to take part in discussions and facilitate closer cooperation, so that more people can do good work together, said Snesrud.

It will take time before change occurs.

– There will be no changes for next season, not even the next season, although it will be a good opportunity to test different things, because it’s not a championship, said Mignerey.

Sophie Wilkinson

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