Will end at 110 km/h as speed limit in Norway

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(Elbil24): Naf, Bondelaget and Naturvernforbundet have written to the Minister of Transport Jon-Ivar Nygård (Labour). There they expressed their wish for Norwegian highways.,

In particular, we asked for higher thresholds for when to build four-lane roads, more use of two- and three-lane roads with central traction and a new standard for four-lane roads with 90 limits, said communications manager Camilla Ryste at NAF.

Apart from making road construction cheaper, it will also reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reduce land encroachment, reduce noise, and reduce the risk of accidents, they wrote in the letter.

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– Lower bill

While Naf, Bondelaget and Naturvernforbundet want the 90 km/h introduced through the construction of new roads, the MDGs will go a step further. They believe that 90 km/h should be the new national maximum – regardless of whether the road is new or not, writes Dagsavisen.

Deputy leader Arild Hermstad at MDG believes that lower maximum speed limits will weaken the effect of high prices on gasoline, diesel and electricity. Hermstad believes there is a financial benefit to this for those who drive large and small cars.

– It will be a good energy saving measure for fossil cars and electric cars and for heavy transportation. This will result in lower fuel consumption and thus also create bills, said the deputy head of the MDGs.

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Looking to Europe

Reducing the speed limit is one of the proposals from the International Energy Agency (IEA) to reduce oil consumption in industrialized countries.

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In November, Spain decided to reduce the speed limit on all two-lane roads in urban areas to 30 kilometers per hour, compared to the previously common 50 speed limit. Measures have also been taken in the Netherlands, France and the UK to reduce speed limits, he wrote Bloomberg.

Climate, air pollution, wear of car tires and traffic safety are highlighted as the main reasons for lower speed limits.

– It’s weird if we don’t have the same debate at home when we need better air, lower emissions and lower fuel bills, Hermstad told Dagsavisen.

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