A report from the Norwegian Institute of Human Rights (NIM) states that many Norwegians have prejudice against national minorities.
Angel Jansen (18 years) from Sarpsborg is a national minority. He’s half Romani/Tatar and half Roman. A group that has been a part of Norwegian history, which many people may not have heard of, but have experienced a lot of negative attitudes throughout history.
A new survey conducted on behalf of the Norwegian Institute of Human Rights (NIM) shows that some Sami and national minorities are still experiencing negative attitudes – even though the year is 2022.
The purpose of this survey is to identify and measure attitudes in the wider population that may affect the human rights of Sami and national minorities. Ordinary people on the street have responded to the survey.
1 in 3 report that they have a negative impression of Roma and Romani/Tatars.
Groups with long-term connections to the country are defined as national minorities. In Norway, these are Kvens/Finnish Norwegians, Jews, Forest Finns, Romans and Romans/Tatars.
Romani/Taters are a group of people who immigrated to Norway in the 16th century. Norwegian Roma came to Norway in the 19th century.
Called gypsy girl
Growing up, Angela experienced discrimination. It could be anything from people calling them gypsies to people associating being Norwegian with crime and killing everyone, according to Angela.
He especially remembers an episode from his childhood.
– When I started in first grade, we had to tell where we came from to get to know each other. “I can’t say where I’m from, I say India, among other things, because I don’t really understand,” he said.
But when he realized what he was about to say, he experienced being treated differently. He said he had also been bullied based on his background.
– I’m called a short gypsy girl, he said.
Read also
“25 Under 25”: Stop racism against Roma
Stand up Norway! Stop the anti-gypsies!
People know very little about the Norwegian minority
Surveys show that there are more Norwegian minorities who experience negative attitudes: The further north in Norway, the more negative attitudes you have towards Sami.
1 in 10 in Northern Norway reported in the survey that they had a negative impression of Sami and Kven/Norway Finland.
Surveys show that many residents have little knowledge of the Sami and national minorities, and many agree with stereotypes about the group.
9 out of 10 stated that they learned nothing or little about Norwegian Kvens/Finnish, Finn Skog, Roma and Romani/Tatars at school.
Half said the same about the Sami and the third said the same about the Jews.
– When I was in 7th grade, I saw in the social studies books there were stories about Roma and Tatars, but they didn’t teach them. I think it’s sad that they don’t teach us anything about it. “I think schools should teach us more about us, to explain who we are,” said Angel.
Shared responsibility to stop incitement and racism
The Minister of Education, Tonje Brenna (Ap), believes that proper training is important to break any prejudices one may have against these groups.
– To break down prejudices and stop incitement, we must learn about different cultures and get to know each other across dividing lines. Kindergartens and schools should help build understanding of the identity of others, and both the kindergarten framework plan and the new curriculum suggest that students should learn about national minorities.
He added that the Directorate of Education has supporting materials that can be used by nurseries and schools.
Brenna also believes it is important to study the reports and findings made to see what action can be taken.
– We will now read the reports and recommendations of the NIM, and consider steps to strengthen knowledge about national minorities and fight prejudice – which we are sadly still seeing. National minorities must be a completely natural part of society, and we all have a responsibility to stop incitement and racism.
Most Jews are influenced by hate speech
Many of those who responded to the survey had observed hate speech and incitement against the Sami and national minorities.
The proportion of the population who have observed hate speech or incitement against Sami people and national minorities in the past 12 months is the largest in the case of Jews. 19 percent of those questioned had observed incitement or hatred towards this group. Much of this incitement has been linked to Israeli politics and the conflict with Palestine.
The next group that many people observe as hate or incitement is the Romani/Tatars and Norwegian Roma. Hate speech and incitement against national minorities are most frequently seen on social media.
Incitement against the two Norwegian Romani/Tatar and Roma ethnic groups often revolves around accusations that these groups beg, steal, and are parasites of society.
Of those responding to the survey who did observe hate speech or incitement against these groups, 58 percent stated that they had done nothing to help and only 7 percent said or wrote something to distance themselves from the speech.
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