A gamer musician modifies a Game Boy to play a giant church organ

World the modified console is huge and allows us to enjoy everything from very beautiful models to other “Frankenstein-style” adaptations that add various new functions or peripherals to the console.

The one that has been most modified throughout history is symbolic Nintendo Game Boy who today is the protagonist of this news They had used it to play the large church organ after making several modifications at the hardware level to connect it to the instrument in question.

This modification comes from hand Sam’s Battlea musician who loves technology and video games who first decided to modify the Game Boy into playing music on a synthesizer using the MIDI interface and then he decided to make things worse by using the console play the big church organ as you see below:

A song made specifically for the Game Boy

If you are wondering about the song playing in the video, This is a composition created specifically for the Game Boy because due to its technical characteristics, it is not capable of playing more than three notes simultaneously.

Besides that, Sam acquired the church organ via eBay, and got it from a house in BristolEngland, then took it to his studio, fixed it and added some extras such as LED lighting or the possibility of connecting digital devices such as a Game Boy.

Roderick Gilbert

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