A new artistic movement powered by artificial intelligence: Ganism

This adventure, which began with the invention of the “calculator” in the 1600s, evolved into smart devices after the integration of computers and the Internet. Considering these advancements, we have faced artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence technology, which emerged as the ability to calculate via computers, has given rise to a series of innovations in the arts as in all fields. So much so that a new trend started in the world of art: Ganisme…

Artists can create visual works using artificial intelligence. Behind these works is an artificial intelligence algorithm “Generative Adversarial Networks“, or GAN technology used in the field of deep learning.

However, the question of who is the creator of this artifact made with GAN technology is currently being widely discussed in the legal world.

Artificial intelligence creates an artifact, but even the person who creates it does not know what data and what algorithms the artificial intelligence used when creating the work.

Black box, the dark side of artificial intelligence

Just as humans understand and study the external world with their sense organs, artificial intelligence also does the same with machine learning, so you can create new works using the work of more than one artist. In other words, artificial intelligence obscures the origins of work…

Does the work belong to the artist, software developer, or the public?

Do artificial intelligence products belong to artists, programmers, or the public? The legal world is looking for answers to this question. Currently, each country provides different solutions. For example, under the US legal system, products created with artificial intelligence cannot be protected.

However, in the UK it is believed that when it comes to products created with artificial intelligence, the rights to the products produced by artificial intelligence can be granted to the person or persons who use the artificial intelligence software and contribute to this process.

The situation is slightly different in Europe. In the report prepared by the European Commission on this topic, regulation in this regard was deemed necessary.

Türkiye is one of the countries most interested in artificial intelligence technology.

The Türkiye Presidential Digital Transformation Office’s perspective on artificial intelligence is very positive and does not alienate it from society.

Turkish legal experts propose “hybrid works”

The concept of hybrid works is characterized by works created with artificial intelligence and containing the artist’s intellectual themes.

Artificial intelligence continues to be an area where there is no legal point. Although legislatures want to address it quickly, artificial intelligence is evolving itself at a faster pace.

TRT News

Roderick Gilbert

"Entrepreneur. Internet fanatic. Certified zombie scholar. Friendly troublemaker. Bacon expert."

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