AI, one of the main issues to be discussed at the Joe Biden and Rishi Sunak meeting

british Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, come to Washington This Tuesday night for a two day visit where he will speak with the president Joe Biden He Britain’s role in the future global regulation of artificial intelligence, as well as unconditional support for Ukraine following the destruction of an important hydroelectric dam.

(Also: Rishi Sunak: who was the first billionaire and Hindu to rule England)

sunak looking strengthening Britain’s position on the world stage after Brexit. He’s also trying to cement ties with Biden, who was pretty cool under his predecessors Boris Johnson and Liz Truss.

The two leaders will meet in The White House this Thursday afternoon in a bilateral interview, followed by a press conference.

Artificial intelligence will be a high point on the agenda, like Downing street announced this morning that The UK government will host the first international summit to assess the risks and opportunities of artificial intelligence (AI) next fall.

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The summit will bring together representatives of “major countries, leading technology companies and researchers to agree on security measures to monitor the most significant risks” posed by AI, the statement said.

In Washington, Sunak will stress “the importance of like-minded allies and companies working together to develop an international framework to ensure its evolution and safe use“artificial intelligence.

“AI has tremendous potential to improve our lives, but we must ensure that it is developed and used in a safe manner,” the president said in the note.

No country can do it alone, it will require a global effort. With our extensive experience and commitment to an open and democratic international system, the UK will work closely with its partners lead“, Adds.

While in the US, Sunak also made an announcement increased UK and US scholarships for postgraduate students in technology and innovation subjects.

The UK ranks third behind the United States and China as an AI development center, which contributes around 3.7 billion pounds (4.3 billion euros) to the British economy and employs around 50,000 people in the country.




*With information from EFE and AFP

Roderick Gilbert

"Entrepreneur. Internet fanatic. Certified zombie scholar. Friendly troublemaker. Bacon expert."

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