amazon has accumulated several years of investing part of its economic potential in technological improvements for logistics sector. All this has led him to reap fleet of over 750,000 robots who work in their distribution centers around the world and who help manage products and meet customer needs.
AI has become the best ally in Amazon’s business strategy and that is why AI is taking advantage ‘Making the Future 2023 a Reality’held in Seattle (USA) to convey all your news in terms of logistics, analysis of damage when driving a vehicle and providing assistance in emergency situations.
New robotic solutions
Amazon’s strategy in robotics focuses on collaborating with employees to achieve a real time feedback that allows technology to be adapted and improved, and adapt it to the needs of employees and customers. With new solutions it will be possible to provide additional safety in the workplace and faster delivery.
This is a robotic system launched for this year’s Christmas campaign that aims to collaborate in order management. In this way, the logistics center inventory can be stored up to 75% faster than is done currently.
Sequoias works by storing inventory in containers using mobile robots that transport inventory and deliver it to employees in a new ergonomic workplace. This way, they no longer need to make sudden movements overhead or bend over. In addition, one of its logistics centers in Houston (Texas) has been repaired.
It is defined as the company’s second robotic solution. This bipedal robot was developed jointly Dexterity Robotics, is in the process of testing. It is unique in that it can move around the warehouse easily, pick up and manipulate objects, in such a way that it becomes an ally of the employees. to recycle containersrepetitive tasks.
Corporate robots Jeff Bezos will help reduce operational costs and logistics time. Own He is 1.75 meters tall and can carry objects weighing up to 16 kg. The volume of transportation will affect the anatomy, because if the object is very heavy it will only last around 90 minutes before being connected to electricity again. With its light weight, you can work up to three hours with full autonomy. Weight 65kg This is related to the collection of batteries that make it up.
The speed is limited to 1.5 meters per second, something that is expected to decrease over time. The purpose of Digital These do not replace employees, but perform repetitive functions to allow workers to focus on other, more creative tasks.
This is about new automated system able to inspect and analyze delivery vehicles to detect deficiencies in tires or bodywork, thereby avoiding driving problems. With AVI the car will be scanned in seconds and will classify imperfections based on their severity index. All this data is sent to the computer and DSP program determine the repair and maintenance services that must be performed.
AVI launched in the US, Canada, UK and Germany in collaboration with the technology company UV eye.
More logistics news
Amazon has also released some new packaging machine which will reduce the amount of packaging used in shipping products. They use lightweight paper that is 100% recyclable and avoid using more than 26 grams of packaging material per delivery, average. They will be installed in their logistics centers in Europe and America.
Solutions to natural disasters
Likewise, Amazon’s help center provides assistance in case of fire, earthquake, or flood. There, basic necessities and health supplies can be stored and then sent by truck or plane.
Now Melbourne Disaster Assistance Center (Australia), of which the company already has up to nine centers of this type worldwide. The city joins the Japanese city of Sagamihara, which since opening in 2017 has provided aid to global disasters.
Inside the program AWS Disaster Assistancethe company has also presented new adapted jeep which allows electricity and connectivity to be distributed to affected areas, thereby facilitating three-dimensional mapping of unconnected areas.
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