Amanda Borish (28) from California in the US has been struggling with severe neck pain for a long time, and has therefore started doing stretching exercises for the neck.
Nothing out of the ordinary today. He stretched his neck by hanging his neck and arms over the edge of the sofa.
Then the unexpected happened, according to the Jam Press news agency.
– After I stretch, I sit down as usual. But this time my arms and legs were completely numb, the 28-year-old told the Need to Know news agency.
– Very serious
He went to bed, hoping the numb feeling would go away.
– The next day I went to the emergency room, and they did some tests on me. They found that I had spinal stenosis – and they said the damage was very serious and I had to stay in the hospital overnight.
Thought he was drunk – had cancer
Spinal stenosis, or cervical stenosis is also called a narrow spinal canal.
based on pocket doctor is a condition of narrowing or narrowing of the spinal canal that can make conditions worse for the spinal cord or the nerve roots that exit the spinal cord.
OPERATED: X-rays from late June show the six screws in Amanda’s neck. Photo: Jam Press/@swanprincess_
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– If there is too little space for the spinal cord or nerve roots, this can lead to unpleasant symptoms and a lack of function in the affected nerves, the website says.
– Could be paralyzed
Amanda said she was warned by doctors not to go home:
– I risk being paralyzed in both arms and legs if I go home, but I don’t expect to have to stay in the hospital. I cried a lot, and then I went home against their recommendation, because I wasn’t ready.

Surprise was found on the boy’s (8) neck
The next day he visited the hospital, and was then referred to a neurosurgeon. On May 10, he was rushed to surgery to repair his spinal cord.
– My surgeon said the damage to the spinal cord was so serious that if I stretched the wrong way one more time – or happened to fall – I might be paralyzed, he told the news agency.
He admits that it was scary to hear, because he didn’t realize how serious this was.
– Now I’m at home, because I have to recover. I got physical therapy because my legs weren’t working as they should anymore.
Must use a wheelchair
The 28-year-old said she is currently dependent on a wheelchair. In addition, he has a titanium plate and six screws inserted into his neck.
– I’m not allowed to use a wheelchair for the rest of my life, so I’m dealing with it as best I can. It makes me feel older, he said.
He has also been told by doctors to wear a neck collar.
– The doctor said that I would be allowed to sit on my bed and relax at home without a neck collar. But if I’m going to walk or sleep, then I have to use it.
WALKER: The 28-year-old woman has been strictly instructed to use a wheelchair when she has to leave the house. Photo: Jam Press/@swanprincess_
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While others around her were more concerned, Amanda said she took everything with a positive attitude.
– I didn’t realize how serious it was until I realized I was still at risk of becoming paralyzed, he said.
– Hear the click sound
The 28-year-old has shared his story on his TikTok account @swanprincess_where he had received many reactions.

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– I need to know exactly what kind of stretching exercises you use, so that I never end up like you, wrote one.
Amanda replied that she hung her neck and arms over the edge of the sofa.
Others wrote that they had experienced something similar, less serious:
– One day I stretched my back by leaning my head back and heard a loud click. I couldn’t move my head for days. I’m so glad it’s over, the person wrote.

– I don’t want to die
Amanda has been trying to stay positive, but has now decided to be more careful in the future.
– I don’t think I’ll ever try that particular stretching exercise again. I might try stretching my neck in a safer way. I’ll ask my doctor if he has any safe exercises I can do, he says.
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