Britain orders the council to end the 4-day workday

The British local government minister, Lee Rowley, has sent a letter to the South Cambridgeshire council in which he ordered it to “immediately” stop the experiment it was conducting. city ​​civil servants work four days instead of five for the same prize.

“I’m sure you’re aware that all boards are expected to ensure that limited and precious taxpayer money used in a way that shows its value, something that would be impossible to demonstrate if workers were paid for an extra day of work not performed,” Rowley said, according to The Press Association news agency.

“I really believe in the capacity of the city council innovate to carry out its function, but removing 20% ​​of that capacity is not something that is acceptable,” he added.

Four day work week

The minister believes that “few organizations in the private sector may choose to do so experiment on the ‘four day work week’ with their own capital and capabilities, (but) the city council should not do it”, he stressed. In particular, the minister believes that this initiative can also violate the obligations contained in the Regional Government Law.

“I look forward to your confirmation that Cambridgeshire South will return to local staffing standards in the coming weeks,” he added. The 4-Day Week campaign criticized that “this government’s decision in the face of all the evidence to suggest that a four day week It has been a great success in this town hall“, said the organization’s director, Joe Ryle.

“Sunday four days without loss of remuneration has been implemented in the private sector, so it would be fair for the public sector to also be included”, he added. “There is no good reason to end this test which has brought so much benefit to workers, neighbors and the council itself, which has saved money”, was highlighted.

Roderick Gilbert

"Entrepreneur. Internet fanatic. Certified zombie scholar. Friendly troublemaker. Bacon expert."

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