The Storting approves a ban on energy drinks
Photo: Heiko Junge/NTB
There is a majority in the Storting to introduce a ban on the sale of energy drinks to children under the age of 16.
In the health and social committee’s proposal for a new public health report, the majority consisted of Ap, Sp, Sv and Rødt, Frp informed TV 2.
FRP health policy spokesman Bård Hoksrud disagreed with the ban.
– Most shops have set their own age limit. I think it is a good arrangement, but we have a government and a party in the DPR who are concerned about organizing and enforcing a ban, said Hoksrud.
– Those under 16 can still get energy drinks, he said and believes that information for children and young people is the right way.
Sales of energy drinks have increased significantly in recent years. By 2022, Norwegians will drink 73 million liters of energy drinks, more than ever before, according to figures from Association of Breweries and Beverages.
According to a 2021 survey conducted by the Consumer Council, 43 percent of children and youth stated that they drink energy drinks weekly or more frequently.
Children and adolescents who drink energy drinks with caffeine may experience sleep disturbances, discomfort, restlessness, anxiety and other negative effects on the central nervous system when consumed in large quantities. Public Health Institute.
Rødt said it was natural for them to support the proposal.
– We believe it is important that the state regulates children and young people to have better health. Energy drinks endanger children’s health, especially for those under 16 years of age. Therefore, we think it is the responsibility of politicians to restrict access, parliamentary representative Rødt Seher Aydar told TV 2.
The recommendations will be considered in the Storting on 2 June. It is not known when the ban will take effect. It is up to the government to decide when that will happen.
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