Category: Entertainment

Hurricane destroys England and Ireland

This is the highest warning level and means there is a danger to life and health. Meteorologists warned of storm surge, flooding and strong winds. The storm hit the coast on Friday morning. On the Isle of Wight, gusts of

Zelensky TV series returns to Netflix in the US

New York.-“Servant of the People,” the satirical series for which Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky rose to fame, will once again air in the United States on Netflix, the streaming platform announced Wednesday, as the former comedian earned celebrity status. invasion

AARP Movies for Adult Winner Artists

In English It’s the 20th anniversary of the AARP Film Awards for Adults, and you’re invited! The star-studded special, hosted by Alan Cumming, airs on Great Show on PBS on Friday, March 18, 2022, and still can look here (link