– No one should be paid more than the queen, says producer Suzanne Mackie.
Even though Claire Foy has the main role as Queen Elizabeth, her income is still lower than her colleague Matt Smith in the series “The Crown”.
During an INTV conference panel in Jerusalem, producers confirmed that Matt Smith, who played Prince Philip in the first two seasons, earned more than Claire Foy, wrote Variation.
The reason should be because he is known from the series “Doctor Who”, which should be an important factor for Matt’s salary. However, producer Suzanne Mackie stressed that this must change for upcoming actress Oliva Colman, who will play the old version of the queen.
According to Variety, Claire receives around NOK 310,000 per episode of The Crown.
– No one should be paid more than the queen, Suzanne told the panel.
Also read: Done with the Crown? You can watch this series about royalty afterward!
Photo: Valerie Macon (AFP)
Despite Matt’s fame from “Doctor Who”, Claire’s interpretation of the Queen herself should not be overlooked. Since the start of the series, Claire has won a number of awards for her work on the Netflix series.
based on Marie Clairethe actor has gone home with two Screen Actors Guild, a Golden Globe, and a well-deserved Emmy nomination.
Ella reports that we will see the third season of “The Crown” in 2019, and filming will begin in July 2018.
This case was first published on 03/15 2018.
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