Zacatecas, Zac.- The Zacatecan Council for Science, Technology and Innovation (COZCyT) officially announced the 2023 State Science and Technology Conference (JECYT), which will be held November 13-24. Through 180 speakers in 82 sub-venues, the wider community will be able to take part in various activities related to Humanities, Science, Technology and Innovation (HCTI).
JECYT is an annual event promoted by COZCyT and this year the fifth edition is presented with the aim of connecting Zacatecans and the general public with human sciences and technology. It consists of two stages, first a call is opened to educational institutions, public and private organizations, civil associations and companies, as well as researchers and specialists who, in a coordinated manner, present outreach programs through workshops, conferences, courses, table rounds or exhibitions on relevant topics .
This second stage is what will be implemented, so an invitation to participate is made. Although it is aimed at high school teenagers, it is open to the public, where they can enjoy more than 200 activities, such as laboratory tours, contests, astronomical observations, scientific films, scientific posters and other activities.
“The sub-headquarters programs are already on the Zacatecan Science and Technology Council page through pages or social networks, you can see them and each institution individually carries out its own socialization of the programs they develop.” JECYT Coordinator, Corina Bobadilla Larios, concluded.
“Entrepreneur. Internet fanatic. Certified zombie scholar. Friendly troublemaker. Bacon expert.”