– This is a unique dress, the clothing chain said.
(PAGE 2):Rock poet Bob Dylan was conspicuous by his absence as the Nobel Prize award ceremony in the Swedish capital, Stockholm, took place on Saturday afternoon.
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But the royal guests were festive and sparkling. One person who has attracted a lot of attention because of her choice of clothes is Crown Princess Victoria. She wore a dress from the Hennes & Mauritz clothing chain.
Photo: Soren Anderson (AFP)
– This is a unique dress in jacquard, made of durable material, says H&M press officer Johanna Dahl Afton Sword.
However, the Swedish clothing giant’s dress was not part of the H&M collection, but was designed specifically for the crown princess. It is made from organic and recyclable materials, and is made from organic silk.
Victoria also chose H&M when her younger brother Prince Carl Philip married Sofia Hellqvist last year. The Crown Princess is often praised for making more affordable clothing choices, and is referred to as a princess by the public.
Princess Sofia came in a dress from the House of Dagmar, and Princess Madeleine wore a skirt and blouse from Swedish designer Fadi el Khoury.
See photos of the Nobel party in Stockholm here:
Dylan was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature, but announced long ago that he could not come to Stockholm due to other commitments.
(Article continues below video)
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Thousands of guests
However, the other award winners were already at the Stockholm concert hall, along with the Swedish royal family and around 1,600 guests.
Earlier on Saturday, Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in a solemn ceremony at Oslo City Hall.
Here you can see a video of the guests arriving at the ceremony:
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Facts about the 2016 Nobel Prize winners:
* Physiology or Medicine: Yoshinori Ohsumi (Japan)
* Physics: David Jay Thouless (England), F. Duncan M. Haldane (England) and J. Michael Kosterlitz (England)
* Chemistry: Jean-Pierre Sauvage (France), J. Fraser Stoddart (England) and Bernard L. Feringa (Netherlands)
* Peace Prize: Juan Manuel Santos (Colombia)
* Commemorative prizes in economics: Oliver Hart (UK/USA) and Bengt Holmström (Finland)
* Literature: Bob Dylan (USA) (©NTB)
This case was first published on 12/11 2016.
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