19:12 | Tingo Maria, ready. 24.
In a festive atmosphere due to the economic achievements achieved, as well as the number of visitors exceeding expectations, the Bicentennial edition of the Amazon Expo 2023 closed this afternoon in the town of Tingo María, Huánuco region. At the same time, the baton was passed to the Madre de Dios region, headquarters of the twelfth edition of the exhibition organized by the Amazon Regional Commonwealth.
“Preliminary figures at the close of the event were around 85,000 visitors (estimated at around 60,000) and more than 41.8 million soles in the international business conference promoted by Promperú and 100 million soles in tourist movements such as hotels, restaurants and various services, namely, Expo Amazonica It’s a successsaid the Governor of the Huánuco region, Antonio Pulgar Lucas, when closing the event.
“This is a success for which I must thank not only the entire community of the city of Tingo María but the entire region, because each party has done its part and we have managed to move forward together and, most importantly, once again focus on development. worldview in our Amazonhe added.
Pulgar Lucas also expressed his thanks to all regions participating in this exhibition and their governors present from day one, as is the case Amazonas, Loreto, Ucayali, Madre de Dios and also Junín, Pasco and Cusco, which also forms the Amazon Regional Commonwealth.
He later confirmed it was related The international business conference promoted by Promperú has reached an agreement up to 41.8 million soles
He detailed that there were 66 exporters from the regions who took part Cusco, Amazonas, Arequipa, Cajamarca, Junín, Lima, Loreto, Huánuco, Madre de Dios, San Martín and Ucayali.
Meanwhile, there were 25 buyers Germany, Colombia, South Korea, Spain, United States, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Panama, Poland, United Kingdom, Russia, Switzerland, Taiwan.
At the same time, regional authorities reported that 316 appointments had been made to negotiate sales coffee, chocolate, yacon, ginger, Amazon salt and cosmetic oils among other products.
According to National business conference promoted by the Ministry of Production (Produce)Governor Pulgar Lucas He highlighted sales of 27.9 million soles achieved with 32 buyers and 148 small and medium-sized companies participating in the resulting 573 appointments.
Tourism business roundtable too promoted by Promperú, generated 5.5 million soles in closing sales involving 16 purchasing travel agents from Lima, Áncash, Junín, Cusco and Arequipa.
He then mentioned it 24 tourism operators from the Amazon Regional Commonwealth participated.
The most requested tourist product Namely adventure tourism, nature, school tourism, culture, experiential tourism, mystical tourism, gastronomic tourism, community tourism and experiential tourism.
Another figure released although it is expected to increase with the complete closure of the Amazon Expo, Sales reached 1.5 million soles at the 4-day exhibition.
Pulgar Lucas expressed, during the closing ceremony, that the Amazon Expo is a blend of cultures and traditions “which is the richest thing about Peru and can be shown to the whole world.
“Today the real and real process of economic reactivation has been carried out thanks to the regional government and we have conveyed to the whole world that here, in the Amazon, there are the best entrepreneurs.“; he emphasized.
“What is also important is that we have stimulated the economy in the city of Tingo María and therefore we must thank everyone who has achieved the goal based on cooperation.to”, said the governor after closing the Amazon Expo and passing the baton to the Madre de Dios region, which will be in charge of the next edition of the regional fair.
Another issue that stands out is the presence of ministers Transportation, Midagri, Health, Culture, Women and Vulnerable Populations; Housing, Foreign Trade and Tourism and Production Results.
Those are important moments because of the area, through them The governors demanded attention and solutions to problems such as health, education and connectivity For improve the quality of life of society in general, especially those in the most remote areas.
Tingo Maria
Previously, the Mayor of Tingo María Province, Max Flores, expressed his joy and recognition for the cooperation between the city government and regional government which resulted in the successful completion of the Amazon Expo 2023 exceeding expectations.
He emphasized that by holding an Amazon regional event, great opportunities open up for Tingo María, such as holding large-scale events such as Filcafé.
Delegates parade
Before the closing ceremony, there is a parade of folklore images from each participating region, full of color, tradition and joy.
Each group of dancers and musicians from various regions expressed great delight with the best of their folk traditions and customs.
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— Andina Agency (@Agencia_Andina) September 24, 2023
Published: 9/24/2023
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