To doHarry Styles is the perfect pop music star? With the release of his third solo album, Harry’s house, spilled the remnants of the teen pop music that haunted his reputation and take his position as a legitimate rock star. But that’s not my opinion, I’ve only heard of the single.”Like that”, a bittersweet meditation on personal evolution that entered the Guinness Book of World Records as the most played song by a male artist in flow in Spotify in 24 hours and has spent six weeks at the top of the music charts great Britainone of. It’s the critics who go crazy.
The mostly male, white, and often uninspired music press, who received album previews, lined up to give praise style. alexis petridisfrom Guardianexplained to Harry’s house as “a very well made album, it fulfills a lot and has a lot of charm.” Zane Lowewhich can be seen licking style as a fan in a lengthy YouTube interview, qualify Harry’s house from “victory”. rolling stone describe for Style like a “Mick Jagger for our most enlightened age”.
“Everyone changes,” he said Style to Lowe about his musical evolution, and without a doubt, the 28-year-old from Cheshire has come a long way since he wore a scarf around his neck to audition and became third in a reality show conceived by Simon Cowell. one waygang of five teens which style join then, it’s probably the last expression of a boy band traditional prefabrication before K pop, the phenomenon of YouTube and social networks allowing artists to appear outside the traditional sausage factories (the process of creating a famous product) run by svengali (dalang). But even though one way always very popular, at least in our house, where we always are Harry’s team (fans Harry), no one has ever given much credit to the legitimacy of his music.
“They’re not The Beatlesclear,” he commented. alexa chung about their contribution when I interviewed the band for the report mode in 2012. “But nice to see boy band Dress well for a change.
On that distant afternoon 10 years ago, I still remember that Harry Styles is a special one. I remember that I was the only band member who introduced every member of the production team, from photographer to cobbler, and how polite he is. He seemed unaffected by the dizzying energy of mega fandomor by the mobs of screaming girls lining the streets: “I enjoyed it,” he ignored the endless schedule. “Especially when you don’t just have to sit and smile”.
The fact that the critics were shocked that Harry Styles making the transition from teen pop idol to adult artist shows they haven’t been paying attention for years. style he is always in the game for the long haul: he has a great voice, he is always kind and polite in public, he is very ambitious. And she still has that beautiful hair.
The success of Harry Styles based on his personality, his impressive team producer and the fact that he can sing. But his career also coincided with a period where the defining characteristics of pop music stars were more malleable than ever.
“I enjoy it…especially when you don’t just have to sit and smile”
British singer.
IWhen I was a young teenager with looksinteresting, style can embrace the uber-sexuality of rock star fame: can follow the example mike jaggeror from Justin Timberlake (another successful singer who grew up from boy band) and has built a career based on highly heteronormative acts and hypermasculinity. Instead, follow the tradition Bowie or Freddie Mercury, style take on a much more provocative role from a genre point of view. But different from Bowiewho inhabit a more androgynous character, Look from style it’s more of a parade of fashion contradictions: At the Coachella festival, she wowed audiences in a mix of fur boas, nail polish, and capes that showed off her gym-trained biceps and hand-painted tattoos.
In an age of emotional availability and accessibility, Harry Styles give a little personal information. Your interview with low it was a master class in deflection in which he spoke vaguely, in a therapeutic Los Angeles tone, about his feelings but offered no specifics about how he spent his days. Nor has she “never felt the need to label her sexuality”he told NME magazine.
But why him? Determining your sexual preferences doesn’t make business sense in this all-inclusive age, especially when you want to sell some beauty serums and nail polishes from your side business, leasingbeauty line for all genders style. Why throw away some of fan base when you can take advantage of the manly rock god charisma that allows you to wear swimsuit sequins and duet with Shania Twain?
Beyond his musical or interpretive talents, style it has achieved something few have achieved: it has maintained a very distinct personality and has become a mirror in which we can project ourselves. Fork funny. Who can resist 1980s pop songs or that smile? style was living his best moment and, as if Elton John on steroids, he brings joy back to the stage. In a year when there is so little to celebrate, she is the balm we all need.
“Entrepreneur. Internet fanatic. Certified zombie scholar. Friendly troublemaker. Bacon expert.”