Stephen Barclay, former health secretary at the UK Department of Health, replaces Dominic Raab as Brexit minister.
Health Minister Stephen Barclay will be the UK’s new Brexit minister.
On Thursday, Raab became the second Brexit minister to resign from Prime Minister Theresa May’s government in protest over her Brexit strategy.
Barclay becomes Britain’s third Brexit minister in less than a year. He previously held leadership roles at insurance companies, banks and financial regulatory authorities in the UK.
The new Brexit Minister voted to leave the EU in 2016.
He wrote on Twitter that he was delighted to accept this new role, and that “we must maintain the momentum to complete the withdrawal agreement, outline a political statement and organize a successful Brexit for the whole of the UK. I look forward to working with the talented team on this.”
The role will be different for Barclay
A spokesman for the Prime Minister spoke Bloomberg News that Barclays’ role will be different to Dominic Raab’s.
Barclay will primarily concentrate on domestic preparedness for Brexit, and will also be given responsibility for trying to get May’s Brexit deal through Parliament. May herself took over responsibility for negotiations with the EU.
But in practice, Raab was also not given a central role in the negotiations. Instead, it was Olly Robbins who led them. He had reported directly to May. For the same reason, Raab’s predecessor, David Davis, ended up being relatively marginalized.
Barclay, who until recently served as Secretary of State at the Ministry of Health, voted to leave the European Union as Britain decided whether the country should leave or remain in the EU.
BBC assistant political editor Norman Smith described Barclay as “fiercely loyal”, but relatively unknown to most Britons.
However, according to the British outlet, Barclay was not May’s first choice, and the Brexit job is said to have also been offered to Environment Secretary Michael Gove, who turned it down. This sparked speculation that he might retire.
Gove is seen as May’s main ally. He said Friday he had “absolute” confidence in May. Therefore, he may have given the head of government a small vitamin shot after several members of the government apparatus resigned on Thursday in protest against the draft agreement.
One of them is Minister of Manpower Esther McVey. He was replaced on Friday by Amber Rudd, who was Home Secretary. Rudd is a supporter of the EU, but supports May’s draft Brexit agreement.
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