Police have now dropped the case in which Kiira’s dog was shot on September 25 last year in Alta.
This is what the police wrote in a press release.
On September 25 last year, police received a report after Kiira’s dog was shot while hunting in the Jotka area outside Alta. Two people were charged with shooting the dog.
– The police have carried out a thorough investigation in which, among other things, an autopsy has been performed on the dog, the people involved have been interrogated and other technical and tactical evidence has been obtained that sheds light on the case, they wrote in the report.
It has been documented that there were reindeer in the area where the dog was released, and other information supports that the dog was chasing the deer, according to police.
For one defendant, the case was dropped due to the circumstances of the evidence. Based on the circumstances of the situation, it appears that the defendant needed to shoot the dog to prevent damage to the deer.
– There is no other information that can prove that this operation lasted longer than necessary, after other lesser methods have also been tried by catching the dog and taking him out of the area.
The second defendant was not present when the dog was shot, and for his part the case was dropped because no criminal charges were proven, police said.
The parties to the case have been notified of the decision, and there is a three-week deadline to appeal to a higher prosecution authority.
Read more here: Finds the hidden dog and shoots again: Huge void
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