Kate’s topless photos are a gold mine for gossip magazines

The much-discussed topless photo of the Duchess will be published next week.

(PAGE 2:) The prospect of high sales figures was the main motivation for printing Kate’s topless photos. This is acknowledged by the editor who has not been able to resist temptation.

The pictures will be published on Monday

– The images are a “fraud”, said editor Alfonso Signorini in the Italian weekly magazine Chi.

On Monday, he will publish a special edition of the weekly magazine in which a total of 26 pages are set aside for paparazzi photos of Prince William and his wife Catherine.

Editor Mike O’Kane of the Irish newspaper the Daily Star also decided to print the images. He admitted that the hope of high sales figures was his motivation, wrote NTB.

– The Duchess is no different from other celebrity photos we receive, for example Rihanna or Lady Gaga. She was not the future queen of Ireland, so England seemed to be the only place where this caused resentment, O’Kane told the BBC.

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Get straight to the point
Last weekend, Prince William and Duchess Kate vacationed in the Provence region of France before embarking on their official nine-day trip to Asia and the South Pacific. It was during this visit that paparazzi photographers snapped photos of Kate topless.

A British court on Friday described the publication of the photos in Closer magazine as “bizarre” and an undue invasion of privacy.

It has now been confirmed that a court will hold the magazine and the publishing company responsible. At the same time, debate continues in the UK about why Kate was stupid enough to expose herself to the potential of stealth photography in this way.

This case was first published on 16/09 2012.

Jordan Schuman

"Freelance bacon fanatic. Amateur internet scholar. Award-winning pop culture fan."

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