Leveraging a nearshoring approach to encourage women’s participation – El Financiero

Sofia Pérez Gasque, CEO of Coparmex Associations and Organizations

In today’s business environment, concepts Near the beach This is emerging as an increasingly relevant trend. This strategy offers companies the agility to move much of their production closer to target markets, overcoming logistical and strategic challenges. However, despite its benefits, this approach also poses logistical and legal challenges, and offers important opportunities to stimulate women’s inclusion in the world of work.

Although implementation Near the beach While this promises important strategic progress, it requires significant adjustments, especially in seeking professionals with skills in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Mexico is seen as a favorable region for investment in industries such as automotive, medical equipment, aerospace, and information and communications technology (ICT), leading to increased demand for skilled workers in these fields.

However, the gender gap in STEM fields is a challenge. The Mexican Competitiveness Institute (IMCO) reveals that only three out of ten professionals in this field in Mexico are women. This gap not only limits the use of highly trained talent, but also results in an estimated loss to the country of 429 million dollars per year, without considering the investment value associated with it. Near the beach.

To maximize benefits Near the beach, it is vital to adapt to new trends in learning and training methods, promote talent and encourage the active participation of women. This ranges from basic education to workforce integration, promoting equal pay, professional advancement, and eliminating gender stereotypes rooted in the discipline.

How do we achieve this transformation? From early education programs to productive policies that facilitate the inclusion and advancement of women in the STEM sector. It requires the support of development plans supported by local regulations, detailed analysis of barriers, and the use of private sector or civil society programs that focus on STEM education.

Empowering women in STEM not only strengthens business networks, but also has a positive impact on society as a whole. By creating job opportunities in these fields, we create fairer communities and address global challenges more effectively. The future of women in STEM fields is promising and Near the beach This is the main tool to make it happen.

This gender gap is not only local. According to IMCO data, in Mexico, only 30 percent of professionals in STEM fields are women, reflecting the general challenges in gender equality in these fields. At a global level, comparative statistics show worrying similarities in countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States, underscoring the need to address this challenge internationally.

This data underscores the economic and social impact of the gender gap in STEM. Limiting access to a diverse and highly qualified workforce will reduce the ability to generate innovation and meet the challenges of today’s world. #CoparmexOpinion

Roderick Gilbert

"Entrepreneur. Internet fanatic. Certified zombie scholar. Friendly troublemaker. Bacon expert."

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