Netflix is ​​expanding testing of its new video game streaming platform in the United States

MADRID, October 17 (Portaltik/EP) –

Netflix has announced that the selected users United States of America Now you can try out the new video game streaming platform for television and PC with a compatible browser, an option that until now was only available to a few game testers. England and Canada.

Company raised creation of a cloud game streaming platform in August 2022, this is known from an announcement on its official LinkedIn profile, where various job vacancies related to this new product are available.

Before in August This year when Netflix started testing this technology for Windows and Mac televisions and computers in Canada and the UK, with a beta version of the game ox free And Molehew Mining Adventure.

Later, the company commented on its blog that this was the first step players were taking to test the experience, with the beta limited to a small number of users in those countries.

This new platform option was announced a week after the app launched Netflix App Controller for iPhone and iPad users, which functions as a video game controller and can be used to play from a television with a signed-in Netflix account.

The company has now updated your blog post to announce that they have begun rolling out this limited beta test to users in the United States. With this, he has announced that he looks forward to hearing comments from these examiners and Share more information about this streaming platform as your development progresses.

Keep in mind that users who subscribe to Netflix can play on a computer via with a keyboard and mouse, while those who want to do it from a television can do it from a device such as Amazon Fire TC, Nvidia Shield TV And Chromecast with Google TV. Roku TVs and Samsung smart models are also supported.

Roderick Gilbert

"Entrepreneur. Internet fanatic. Certified zombie scholar. Friendly troublemaker. Bacon expert."

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