Sunny Easter weather ahead

Are you planning to go skiing or sunbathing by the cabin walls this Easter? Then you’re in luck, as meteorologists predict high temperatures and little wind this week.

March brings snow, freezing temperatures and inclement weather to Norwegians across the country. based on Monthly reports from the Meteorological Institute the temperature in March was actually 2.9 degrees below the national normal.

Got full skin on the ski slopes

But to the delight of homesteaders and city dwellers alike, spring has finally arrived, and Easter week will offer sunny weather almost across the country.

– There seems to be a lot of usable weather, so to speak, and a little bit of sun, meteorologist on duty Unni Nilssen told Dagbladet.

Meteorologists also report that some parts of the country had more than a meter of snow, which should provide a good chance of making the last few ski trips of the season.

Sun and sunny weather in the south

Nilssen said that Southern Norway would be a big Easter weather winner.

– In southern Norway, there will be plenty of sunshine and sunny weather. There probably won’t be a lot of clouds, except for an occasional day or two.

He said that, like other countries, Maundy Thursday might be the only exception.

– Then there may be precipitation and thus a little more clouds.

– Softer in the north

According to meteorologists, mild weather will arrive in northern Norway this week, but it will be slightly more variable than in the south.

– In the north at this time there is precipitation, and rain and hail may come from the sea. But in the future it will be a little cooler and less cold than before.

He said that the western coastal areas would see winds in the next few days, but could still enjoy sunny weather.

– Winds will also increase slightly over the Vestland coast and further north tomorrow, but probably nothing more than a minor storm.

Snowfall on Maundy Thursday

Easterners will also be able to enjoy the sun in the days ahead and will mostly have the same sunny weather as southerners, but Nilssen says Maundy Thursday will be able to offer snowfall.

– Thursday can be a bit exciting, then a small front with cold air kicks in, which may lead to a bit of snowfall. So the temperature in Eastern Norway will drop slightly for a while, but will rise again on Good Friday.

Sophie Wilkinson

"Subtly charming web junkie. Unapologetic bacon lover. Introvert. Typical foodaholic. Twitter specialist. Professional travel fanatic."

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