Teslas can be easily hacked by bluetooth bugs

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If Tesla cars in Spain are known for anything, it’s because of the sheer amount of their technology. Not a few users are surprised to learn that this vehicle can be upgraded thanks for the update software, like cell phones. However, all that glitter isn’t always gold, as cybersecurity companies have discovered that these cars can to hack easily, despite Tesla’s efforts to keep his car safe.

As the NCC Group, a UK-based company has discovered, the system Bluetooth Energy Saving o BLE by its acronym is present in many vehicles, including Tesla, has some safety issues. The company has ensured that the system uses a proximity authentication mechanism it can to hack easily with hardware cheap ones that can be bought on the Internet.

And this system is used to detect when an owner is near his Tesla vehicle. Besides, he is present in many others string, like laptops, smart locks and more, because they use BLE to authenticate the owner of these devices based on distance.

security weakness

This cybersecurity issue has been verified by the company in Tesla cars, which we remember, use of keyless car access system, use the hands-free system or smart phone. This flaw, as the NCC Group was able to discover, affects these systems, allowing potential attackers to gain access to vehicle unlock systems, even when starting them, based on testing from the cybersecurity company itself.

All of this despite the fact that Tesla has made efforts in recent years to introduce security measures, such as encrypted remote control or the need for a PIN to enable Tesla driving. And it was, as Sultan Qasim Khan, the company’s lead consultant, explained, an attacker who took advantage of exploit BLE Tesla, you can get in the car and start without any problem.

That exploit it allows a simple electronic device to interfere with the connection between a Tesla car (as well as any device that uses the BLE standard, including other cars that use it for their Bluetooth keys) and the receiving device, either smartphone or hands-free device to open the car. In essence, the system is tricked into thinking that the owner is near the car, without even being.

Again, it should be emphasized that this issue is not exclusive to Tesla cars, but to any system that uses this BLE protocol, and it affects all types of devices that use the BLE protocol. Bluetooth Energy Saving to authenticate with other nearby devices. A born standard for connecting devices to each other via a wireless connection, without the need for passwords or cables.

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Roderick Gilbert

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