The secret that more remote workers should keep so as not to have problems with their companies

There’s no doubting that the pandemic is a global misfortune, however, it’s also important to take the positives from the bad, for example, with the lockdown of millions of workers and companies finding that teleworking is an option to consider.

This is because despite the perception that some people may have, working remotely in an effective and efficient way is possiblewhich added benefits for workers in terms of having a balance between our work and personal life.

Two years after the pandemic broke out, the situation was very varied, there were companies that completely removed this format, others were more permissive to allow what is known as hybrid job and others they simply abandon the idea of ​​returning to the office altogether.

With the problem of having to return to the office, many remote workers run into trouble, and it’s not just because they like to hold meetings in their pajamas, but because no longer resides in the country where the company is located.

as found uglinessthis phenomenon is becoming more and more common, and it is that with the freedom to be able to work from wherever you want as long as you have an Internet connection and a computer, there are many and for different reasons who have fled from their places of residence to go to a place that is more suited to their needs.

More and more cases are like Daniel, a young man who lives in the cold city of Birmingham (England) and since the pandemic started moving to Chiang Mai (Thailand). The problem is that no one in his office knows, and he hasn’t told anyone because he thinks they will make him return to his hometown.

As an account, the only drawback you will find is try to hide that they are in a completely different place when they have a meeting via video callbut for this there are many tricks like VPN and others not so technological, such as meet in a windowless room (so they don’t see if it’s day or night) or see the weather there and discuss it with your classmates so as not to arouse suspicion.

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Roderick Gilbert

"Entrepreneur. Internet fanatic. Certified zombie scholar. Friendly troublemaker. Bacon expert."

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