The United States and Britain led the first historic treaty controlling AI, but Spain had no say

Sixteen countries join together to ensure the responsible development of artificial intelligence

The regularization of artificial intelligence is one of the most worrying aspects for the leading countries in this sector. Over the past year, countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom have advocated the implementation of a joint plan which, in short, guarantees safe development artificial intelligence to prevent it from happening disturbing power if it falls into the wrong hands. Luckily, in total 16 countries has taken the first steps towards making this happen, but among the selection Spain not found.

How the portal collects Reuters In the latest publication, the document 20 pages emphasizes the responsible development of artificial intelligence. But the agreement does not mention the compromised issues, such as how artificial intelligence collects user data. After all, we are in the presence first global agreement security over AI, a situation that has long been demanded by many experts due to the development of this technology.

The list of 16 countries includes the United States, England and Germany

Thus, this first agreement does not involve cooperation with countries such as China, Japan, France or Spain. However, several leading regions in this sector have joined, such as the United States, United Kingdom and Germany. In this way, the complete list with sixteen countries that have become part of the historic agreement to ensure the responsible development of artificial intelligence are as follows:

  1. German
  2. Australia
  3. Chilli
  4. Scotland
  5. United States of America
  6. Estonia
  7. Welsh
  8. English
  9. Ireland
  10. Northern Ireland
  11. Israel
  12. Italy
  13. Nigeria
  14. Poland
  15. Czech Republic
  16. Singapore

The United States, one of the countries that spoke about the agreement, stated that this was very important take a step in the right direction. At the same time, they also point out that AI development must prioritize public safety, therefore they urge developers, scientists, managers, decision makers, and the like to follow the recommendations and indications. However, there is minimal information regarding this matter personal Many users are surprised, but there are already first steps that guarantee the responsible development of artificial intelligence.

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Main image from Possessed Photography (Unsplash)

Roderick Gilbert

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