They offer 1,000 scholarships to study about sustainability and climate change

Scholarships are available to citizens or residents of 13 countries (Germany, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Spain, Mexico, Poland, Portugal, Peru, United States of America, United Kingdom and Uruguay).

This six-week, 100% online international program will provide a global vision of the environmental problems and challenges we face, such as biodiversity loss, deforestation, renewable energy, circular economies, and the leadership skills needed for the energy transition through examples and success stories of companies experienced in application of ESG criteria (environmental, social and good governance)

It will also discuss the tools needed to engage in sustainable initiatives developed in a professional environment, analyze their impact and understand how companies react to address climate change.

Scholarships can be requested until 9 June. They do not involve any fees, do not require a university degree or be a Santander client and participants will receive a ‘Certificate of Completion’ awarded by Cambridge Judge Business School.

For Blanca Sagastume, deputy director of the University of Santander, “the green transition is the most pressing and far-reaching challenge we face as a society. A challenge that requires awareness, education and tools to be able to overcome it both individually and institutionally. That’s the meaning of this program that in collaboration with partners such as Cambridge Judge Business School, will provide great value to its participants.”

Mauro Guillén, dean of Cambridge Judge Business School, highlighted that “achieving sustainable growth is the biggest challenge we face today. The University of Cambridge and Cambridge Judge Business School are at the forefront of efforts to understand the complexity of these challenges and how we can overcome them. We have gone through the past seeing this as a problem of the future and should be actively involved in initiatives that address this issue urgently. It is an honor to collaborate with Santander on this important endeavor to spread the knowledge and capacity we already have to make a difference.”

Roderick Gilbert

"Entrepreneur. Internet fanatic. Certified zombie scholar. Friendly troublemaker. Bacon expert."

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