Did you know that hundreds of reindeer from Norway, Sweden and Finland have been shipped to the UK in recent years to be displayed at Christmas markets?
Swede Animal rights writes about practices that most Norwegians are probably unaware of. Now the Nordic region is being shaken by footage taken with hidden cameras showing how these animals are faring. Several animal organizations are encouraging everyone to boycott Christmas markets that sell live animals.
Malnourishment and abuse
The organization Animal Aid has revealed how reindeer used in UK Christmas markets are treated. With the help of hidden cameras, they discovered that the animals were deprived of food, beaten and kicked, had broken legs and were living in miserable conditions.
In accordance with the Daily Mail deer become sick from living in captivity in such conditions.
The reindeer at the Kent Reindeer Center live in miserable conditions. Photo: Animal assistance
BBC has also written about the case and interviewed Tor Bailey at the RSPCA animal organisation. He was merciless when it came to the treatment of these reindeer sent from Norway.
– We have investigated this case and it is shocking to see the suffering of these fine animals. Reindeer are sensitive animals that should live free and not be used for human entertainment, he said.
Furthermore, Tor Bailey appealed to the public not to attend events that use live wild animals as entertainment. If people don’t buy tickets to the event, they will disappear.
Below you can see a video clip that reveals how these animals fared. Helps focus on these issues. Hit the share button to spread the truth! We Norwegians are certainly familiar with the fact that we send animals to countries that treat them this way!
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