This is the UK’s plan to promote the use of drones and it will set an example for other countries

The use of drones is being promoted to more sectors of all kinds, and as a result, more and more drones are flying in the sky. This boom requires a series of regulations, apart from the fact that this device needs space to fly without getting in the way or being distracted while performing its functions, and it seems the UK has an idea to work it out, a superhighway for drones.

Although in their early days, drones were entertainment machines, with increasing popularity as technology advances making them tools for a wide variety of businesses and needs. From their use as a method of transporting goods or medicines to military use, drones have been postulated as an alternative to be reckoned with in the future.

While we don’t think so, airspace is also in transit, and with the proliferation of unmanned aerial vehicles, it is necessary for the authorities to regulate the skies to prevent accidents. For that, according to CNN, The UK will design a super highway specifically for drones.

The idea is to build the largest air corridor in the world, approx 256 kilometers that will connect cities in the south and center of England every. Driving a drone is not a simple task as some believe, and in the workplace, drone driver must register to be able to drive your device on those super highways.

As we said before, air traffic exists, and that’s why the drone will fly at a lower altitude than other aircraft. Moreover, under this highway will be placed sensors to detect other forms of flightand thus both light aircraft and helicopters will be able to cross it without the danger of having an accident or other type of accident.

In the long term, this toll road is expected to be utilized by 900,000 drones to provide essential services and citizen assistance, to improve supply chains and logistics, and to do all of this while reducing CO2 emissions in the country.

This idea, which is currently only on paper, can serve as an example for other countries to follow, as it seeks real solutions to the growing use of drones for various sectors while supporting efforts to reduce environmental impacts.

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Roderick Gilbert

"Entrepreneur. Internet fanatic. Certified zombie scholar. Friendly troublemaker. Bacon expert."

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