Viewers flock to “The Crown” after the Queen’s death

Unsurprisingly, Queen Elizabeth’s death on September 8 — ending a historic 70-year reign — sparked renewed interest in the popular Netflix series “The Crown.”

Between September 5 and 11, Netflix subscribers streamed 17.6 million hours of the popular series, according to Variation.

This led to the first season of the historical drama reaching number 7 on Netflix’s top 10 list globally, according to Netflix’s own charts.

Also increasing in Norway

In the UK, viewing rates increased 800% over the Monday to Sunday period earlier.

But not only there the number of viewers increased.

Here in Norway as well, Netflix has seen an upswing. According to their own top list, the first season of this popular series is at the 6th position in the country.

Also in the US, “The Crown” views more than quadrupled from Monday to Sunday compared to the previous week, and in France, views tripled.

Stop recording

In this series, we follow the life and events of the king during his decades-long reign, and the first season was out in 2016.

Since then, there have been four seasons, and a fifth season is scheduled to premiere in November.

The recording of season six was also in progress when news of the Queen’s death came, and out of respect the recording was discontinued.

In a statement from director Peter Morgan, the reasons for the recording break were stated:

– The “Crown” is a love letter to the Queen and there is nothing I can add for now, only silence and respect. I wish we would stop filming out of respect too.

See how celebrities reacted to the Queen’s death in the video below

Jordan Schuman

"Freelance bacon fanatic. Amateur internet scholar. Award-winning pop culture fan."

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