vLex powers Vincent AI to build legal arguments

The Catalan company announced the launch of three new agents based on artificial intelligence technology for its assistants.

From Harvey to Vincent AI. Law firms have appointed their virtual assistants to provide

The Catalan company announced the launch of three new agents based on artificial intelligence technology for its assistants.

From Harvey to Vincent AI. Law firms have appointed their virtual assistants to provide informationonality towards intelligent tools that increasingly looks like a fellow veteran rather than a junior seeking jurisprudence. In the case of vLex, the Catalan company that acquired Fastcase last April, announced the launch of three new agents based on artificial intelligence technology for its Vincent AI assistant. Thanks to this new agent, Vincent AI can now answer questions across multiple jurisdictions, build legal arguments for and against, and compare specific legal issues between different jurisdictions. The new version is currently in beta by invitation, and is expected to be open to access in the coming weeks. At launch, Vincent AI is working in Spanish, US, Ireland and UK jurisdictions. It is expected that new jurisdictions will be added throughout the year.

The introduction of these new agents represents a step forward in current search tools aided by artificial intelligence.

On the one hand, the combination of vLex’s own technology with extensive language models (LLM) to perform rigorous analysis, summarization, and response generation work. On the other hand, having a collection of legal content with millions of documents from 110 jurisdictions allows us to think about the level of access to legal knowledge on a global scale.

The results of this combination represent significant time and money savings for legal professionals in traditional information searches and significantly increase their legal security. “Artificial intelligence tools are only as good as the content used to train them,” said Lluis Faus, CEO of vLex.

Roderick Gilbert

"Entrepreneur. Internet fanatic. Certified zombie scholar. Friendly troublemaker. Bacon expert."

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