Weird rainbow sea slug spotted in UK

A very strange sea creature has been found in south cornish coast (Great Britain). Marine biologists suggest that it is a rainbow sea slug, the world’s most colorful nudibranch. The animal looks by vicky barlow on May 6 while he was diving in falsemouth rocky area, between Castle and Gyllyngvase beaches. His goal was to find a spider crab, but to his surprise, instead of finding what he was looking for, he ran into a colorful slug, according to the British chain. BBC.

This creature has not gone unnoticed not only because of its striking coloration but also because it has been found in water types which are very unusual for its development, where the tides rise and fall frequently, temperatures are low and the terrain is very rocky. Although this type of species is commonly found in warmer waters, such as in western France, Spain, and Portugal, it actually exists three previous sightings of the rainbow sea slug entered great Britainthe first is believed to have entered year 2022 in the Isles of Scilly.

“There have been several sightings by divers since then, but as far as we know, these are the first time this species was discovered by a diver in a rocky area in England“, explained the marine biologist Ben Holt from the project The ‘Stone Pool Project’who also explains the possible reasons that justify this sighting in the area: “Detecting this type of sea slug has been a part of pattern of major changes in marine life observed in the Southwest over the past five years“.

What is a rainbow sea slug?

The ‘babina anadoni’better known as the rainbow sea slug, is a species that belongs to the family aeolian nudibranchs whose size barely reaches two centimeters long. Its name means “bare gills” and refers to the respiratory system on the outside of its soft, elongated, transparent body. This almost fantastical species is striking because of the highly fluorescent colors that cover the surface of their bodies. Contrast between shades of pink, blue, yellow, orange, purple and white they give this type of snail an unusual and shiny look that does not go unnoticed.

That species was first described in 1979 and was classified in the genus ‘Rioselleolis’ but was later assigned to the genus ‘Babakina’. These living creatures, considered hermaphrodites, feed on algae, sea slugs and other anemones. The discovery of this creature, like the discovery of the blue dragon visible in the waters of the Mediterranean, is “all a truly extraordinary discovery which shows that amazing species can be found in England,” said Barlow.

Another fantastic sea creature

  • Psychrolutes micropores, the ugliest fish in the world

This species is one of the most numerous strange and rare in the world of marine animals because it’s hers mushy, gelatinous appearance without a solid frame structure. The deformed appearance of this fish, also known as blur fish or ‘blobfish’ in Englishas it is found mainly in the waters of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans in a depth of approximately 1200 meters, where the pressure is very high and causes it to float instead of swimming.

The Dumbo Octopus, officially known as ‘grimpoteuthis’belongs to the genus of cephalopod molluscs of the order Octopoda and is characterized by it Unusual appearance and resemblance to the cartoon character from ‘Dumbo’. It got its name because of the ear-shaped fins that are similar to the famous Disney character. The size can reach 20 centimeters long and their habitat is between 3,000 and 4,000 meters deep in the ocean.

This animal is commonly known as “water bear” Due to their physical appearance and movement, they are among the smallest microscopic animals They are 0.1 and 1.5 millimeters long. They are known for their abilities survive in extreme conditions because they can withstand high and low temperatures, radiation, extreme dryness, and even the vacuum of space. Striking appearance for cylindrical shape of its segmented body along with its eight legs and claws at the ends.

Roderick Gilbert

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