YouTube will allow content creators with a small following to monetize their videos

YouTube is updating its monetization program with exciting terms changes, which will allow more creators to join the initiative.

Yes, YouTube lowered the requirements to make it easier for new creators to join the Partner Program. We notify you of new changes.

New requirements for monetizing videos on YouTube

YouTube changed the requirements that creators must meet to be part of the monetization program. Until now, creators were required to have at least 1,000 subscribers, approximately 4,000 hours watched in the past year, and 10 million Shorts views.

But with this update, creators with 500 subscribers, 3,000 hours watched in the past year, 3 million Shorts views, and 3 public uploads in the last 90 days, can apply to be part of the program to monetize their content.

As you’ll see, the requirements for new creators to join the program are significantly reduced. And a new requirement was added: 3 public uploads in the last 90 days. This new criterion can easily show whether a creator is committed to frequently uploading content to their channel.

Monetization options for creators with a small following

So these new steps will allow creators with fewer followers to opt into the YouTube Partner Program. Of course, they need to grow their following if they want to make money from their channel, but being part of the program is the first step.

Creators with fewer followers, who join the program, will be able to access monetization options such as shopping functions, tips, super stickers, paid chat and more.

One detail to note is that YouTube has implemented this change in criteria in some markets, such as Canada, United States, Taiwan, United Kingdom, and South Korea. And they hope to bring them to other countries where these programs are available soon.

Roderick Gilbert

"Entrepreneur. Internet fanatic. Certified zombie scholar. Friendly troublemaker. Bacon expert."

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