A hotelier’s response to a client: “Before writing, do not drink alcohol”

Being the owner of a business is not easy, especially when one or more of your clients leave you. bad reviews on the internet. Count @I’m a waiteronce again showing its users the answers the restaurant owner used to respond to three reviews from customers who went out to eat and They had to leave because there were no tables available..

In the first image published by the account, you can see how customers complain, in this case because they booked a table in advance within the location, and on the day of the reservation. They were left without dinner because their table was already occupied.“they accept people unconditionally and If you arrive and there are no tables, then tough luck.”

The owner’s response was gone It’s important to order in advance, otherwise you can’t eat there.. Lastly, he wanted to leave a dedication to clients that read: “Before you start writing Don’t drink alcohol that damages your very limited mental abilities, RIP”.

In the rest of the review, customers complain about both the treatment they receive from waiters as well as poor preparation of orders. In both cases, the company owners responded with sentences like “Her education was from a private school, but from outside, and more importantly, they let her reproduce,” “Of course you will come to us more oftenbecause if you come back, I will come out and tear you and your whole family to pieces” or “I hope I gave you crap and you spent the whole afternoon on the toilet.”

Review, home hater

Why would anyone leave only bad reviews? This question is very common among business owners who want their company or place to grow prosperously.

They just exist two answers that can solve this mystery: or you run your business badly and that’s why you lose customers and get bad reviews; Or because people have nothing else to do but devote themselves to it criticizing a business just because you’re bored. In the second case, what many users do is respond in a clever way like a restaurant owner.

Roderick Gilbert

"Entrepreneur. Internet fanatic. Certified zombie scholar. Friendly troublemaker. Bacon expert."

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