A photo of the royal family was published in one of the banquet halls at the Palace in connection with the celebration of Princess Ingrid Alexandra’s day of power and a gala dinner at the palace.
In the picture, Ingrid Alexandra is between Queen Sonja and King Harald.
In the second line of the photo, among others, the family of Princess Mrtha Louise, with Emma Tallulah Behn, Leah Isadora Behn, Maud Angelica Behn, and her fiancé Durek Verret.
This is the first official photo taken of the castle after the engagement between Verret and Märtha Louise was published.
This is also the first time she has posed for such a photo.
YOUNG ROYALS: In front of former Princess Estelle of Sweden, Princess Ingrid Alexandra and Prince Charles of Luxembourg. In the back are Princess Catharina-Amalie tv from the Netherlands and Princess Elisabeth from Belgium. Photo: Lise Serud / NTB
Royals from all over the world
Also in the picture are Princess Astrid, Marit Tjessem, Crown Princess Mary, Crown Prince Frederik, Queen Mathilde, King Felipe, Crown Princess Mette-Marit, Crown Prince Haakon, King Willem Alexander, Queen Maxima, Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle , and Prince Oscar.
Next to Marius Borg Høiby and Prince Sverre Magnus of Norway were Princess Elisabeth, Princess Catharina-Amalia, Grand Duke Guillaume Hereditary, Grand Duchess Stephanie and Prince Charles, Rosario Nadal, Prince Tassilo, Olimpia Preslavska, Mafalda Cecilia Preslavska, Katharine Jibba Butler, Prince Kyril, Crown Prince Pavlos, Princess Marie Chantal.
Princess Olympia, Prince Constantine, Prince Aristides, Princess Catharina-Amalia, Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume, Grand Duchess Stephanie and Prince Charles, Rosario Nadal, Prince Tassilo, Olimpia Preslavska, Mafalda Cecilia Preslavska, Katharine Jibba Butler, Prince Kyril, Crown Prince Pavlos, Princess Marie Chantal, Princess Olympia, Prince Constantine and Prince Aristides were also there.
That is, there are nobles from Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Spain, Bulgaria, Great Britain, and the Netherlands.
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