Author: Sophie Wilkinson

"Subtly charming web junkie. Unapologetic bacon lover. Introvert. Typical foodaholic. Twitter specialist. Professional travel fanatic."

The world’s oldest dog has died

Pebbles, the toy fox terrier from the United States is the oldest dog in the world. He died of old age on Monday, October 3 at his home in Taylors, a town in South Carolina. Death was first reported by

Killed on a “dream vacation”

In late September, Karla Godoy, mother of young children, travels to England Glass calling it a “dream vacation” with his girlfriend. The destination was Peru, where the couple visited the tourist attraction Machu Picchu and the capital Lima on the

He should never have done that

Last week, Phil Paxson, 47, was on his way home after celebrating his daughter’s ninth birthday in Hickory, a city in North Carolina in the US. – It was a dark and rainy night. He followed the GPS which led

– Norwegian coast is very vulnerable

On Thursday, the government announced that it was severely restricting which ports Russian fishing vessels could visit. The government will also tighten supervision of incoming fishing vessels. But there are still many security holes that need to be closed along

Father of two dies after GPS glitch

On Friday September 30th, 47-year-old Phil Paxson was supposed to be home from his daughter’s ninth birthday party at Hickory in North Carolina in the US, but he never got that far. The next morning, a state police road patrol

Russia believes Zelenskyy should be replaced

On Tuesday morning, Dmitry Peskov stated that Ukraine must replace Volodymyr Zelenskyi in order for Russia to be willing to negotiate with them, according to state news agency Ria Novosti. Peskov is a spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin, and