Author: Sophie Wilkinson

"Subtly charming web junkie. Unapologetic bacon lover. Introvert. Typical foodaholic. Twitter specialist. Professional travel fanatic."

Serious security issue: Blame Erna

The Office of National Audit has discovered a weakness in the communications system of the Norwegian Armed Forces which could have major consequences for national security. – Today the National Audit Office presented one of the most serious reports we

Australia: – 700 meters of trash

30 flood warnings have been issued in southeastern Australia, in New South Wales, this week and farmers expect lost crops, damaged roads and towns, the Australian Canberra Times wrote. It has been almost two years since floods hit parts of

Utah – Very concerned

In winter 2019, the first sights of white chalk mounds appeared in Salt Lake in Utah. Every year since then, more and more of these formations have been seen, and for a long time it was unknown where they came

Super glue test: – Remove winner

It’s amazing what you can fix with super glue, whether you’re gluing cracked plastic, broken ceramic, various pieces of wood, metal or whatever. The term superglue is often used for a type of glue that hardens extra quickly (usually 60

Waiting for the river on the street

Authorities in the Canary Islands have asked people to stock up on necessary emergency supplies, and prepare for the storm. This weekend, heavy rainfall and strong winds with storm strength, equivalent to more than 118 km/h are expected. On Friday