Elsa Tchicanha, to break stereotypes in the world of advocacy and two businesses in Angola

In Angola, in a corporate world often characterized by registration and duplicity, Elsa Tchicanha stands out. Advocate and Executive Director of the British – Angola Chamber of Commerce, Elsa brings with her an authenticity that inspires and challenges the stereotypes that shape the world around her.

Since his teenage years, he had a desire to become a lawyer, influenced by classic films such as “Advogado do Diabo” from 1997. With live action training Jean Piaget University of Angola, Elsa dedicates most of her time to practicing Advocacy. In addition, there may also be a Master’s degree, um in Business Legal Advice for the Polytechnic University of Madrid and another in Global Business for the University of Oxford. Complementing her course, she completed the Women in Business Executive Training at the renowned London Business School and, recently, she was accepted onto the EMBA – Executive Master of Business Administration program at Oxford University.

During his two years of academic journey and professional growth, he accumulated a wealth of experience in his field network and business development. “I learned basically that what sells best is how I honor trust. In my opinion, the most long-lasting and strong relationships are built on this, without ignoring other equally relevant questions, such as continuous learning,” he told us.

Elsa Tchicanha considers herself a constructive leader, but emphasizes that leadership is more than just holding a position of authority. This involves the ability to inspire those around us to reach our maximum potential, both on the personal and professional fronts. It also means the power to influence people and institutions positively. It recognizes the importance of identifying the potential of each individual in the workplace, thereby avoiding burdening anyone with inadequate responsibilities. Just as humans cannot fly and birds cannot breathe underwater, each has its own unique abilities. Identifying and leveraging these capabilities is critical to the success of any institution or company.

Along with her professional commitment, Elsa Tchicanha shows genuine concern for the development of young human resources. “The legacy we want to leave behind is someone who dedicated himself to studying and working, fighting against the negative influences of society. He strives to spread this dedication and commitment to all those under his charge. “The legacy I want to leave is that of someone who did not allow himself to be corrupted by the evils of society, of someone who devoted himself to studies, work, and who tried to provide someone with the best way to pass isso. which is under his responsibility, and not only”, rescue.

Roderick Gilbert

"Entrepreneur. Internet fanatic. Certified zombie scholar. Friendly troublemaker. Bacon expert."

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