Ing Carmelo Duran
[email protected]
We live in a time in human history where science fiction has become a “science reality”.
Artificial intelligence, robotics, drones, 3D printers, Blockchain, cloud, to name a few technologies, made this evolution possible. However, for practical use, they are tools that people use to work.
The attitude we have toward the challenges that life presents us with is still fundamental. We can deny everything and go on saying: this is always done, why change? Habits, fears, comfort zones, what they will say are beliefs that do not allow progress.
The attitude we have toward the challenges that life presents us with is still fundamental.
Decree 5-2021, the Act for the simplification of administrative requirements and procedures, allows Executive Branch agencies to be part of this change, with the aim of bringing the government closer to the citizens.
The Commission for Open and Electronic Government, together with the Ministry of Economy, is tasked with encouraging the simplification of administrative procedures in their area of competence.
A survey of 23,000 full-time employees was conducted and obtained the following results: Only 1 in 3 workers said they have a clear understanding of what their organization is trying to achieve and why.
Only 1 in 5 is enthusiastic about their team and organizational goals; 1 in 5 workers say they have a clear “line of sight” between their job and their team and organizational goals; 1 in 2 workers are satisfied with the work done at the end of the week.
In addition, 1 in 7 workers feel that their organization fully enables them to carry out their main goals. 1 in 7 workers feel that they work in an environment of high trust. 1 in 6 workers feel that their organization encourages open communication that respects different opinions and that generates new and better ideas; 1 in 10 workers feel their organization holds people accountable for results; 1 in 5 workers fully trust the organization they work for; 1 in 8 workers have a very cooperative and trusting working relationship with another group or department.
If, say, a soccer team has the same score: only 4 of the 11 players on the field know what their goal is. 2 out of 11 would care. 2 out of 11 will; 2 out of 11 will know what position they are playing and know exactly what they are supposed to do.
And all but two players will, in some way, compete against members of their own team, not opponents.
Do readers identify with the results? Do you think that represents your case? Do you agree that this is happening in Guatemala? Well, it turns out the survey was conducted in the US.
Today, the problem is not technology, because tools for work are available to those who want to use them; My view is that the problem is people, not wanting to change and continuing to do what has been done in the same way as 10, 15, 20 years ago or so.
It is important to communicate correctly, the attitude you have is valuable, it is very important not to say: “You can’t” and stick with the argument.
What I’m trying to highlight is that changes are hard to make. The easiest is to demand that other people change, I don’t have to change. I invite the good reader to reflect on the above.
To conclude, I ask the following question: Would you like to have Lionel Messi on your football team? I hope to have the opportunity to share my views on this in the future.
8th habit. From effectiveness to greatness (Stephen R. Covey 2004).
“Amateur analyst. Zombie geek. Hardcore troublemaker. Internet expert. Incurable twitter fanatic.”