Health, Crimea | 71 countries have outdated views on sexuality and gender identity

opinion This is a debate post. The post expresses the author’s attitude.

In Norway, 2022 will be 50 years since we decriminalized male homosexuality. In India, the Supreme Court ruled in 2018 that homosexuality should no longer be illegal.

The decriminalization of LGBTI people is a step towards building a world where all people, regardless of their gender orientation or identity, are equal citizens.

Norway should, in consultation with our close human rights partners, work on the international decriminalization of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and transgender (LGBTI) individuals to ensure that all individuals, anywhere in the world, can safely love who they are. want and become who they are.

It is amazing that mankind has developed technology that allows us to communicate with each other no matter where we are and we can even visit other planets. It is therefore difficult to understand how we manage all this before we come to a clear realization that love is the foremost desire and the most obvious right of all human beings.

Norway should engage in foreign policy in cooperation with the United Nations, the European Union, the Council of Europe, the Nordic Council and other international organizations to stand together in the work against the criminalization of love or the right of individuals to express themselves.

As many as 71 countries in the world criminalize LGBTI people through fines, imprisonment and the death penalty.

Norway and countries that share a common view of the inviolability of human rights must work together to reduce the number of countries that continue to perpetrate these historic injustices against LGBTI people and human rights violations based on outdated views on sexuality and sexuality. gender identity..

Trom and the Finnmark Conservatives want:

The international leadership was taken for the decriminalization of LGBTI globally, primarily through cooperation on decriminalization with the European Union, Council of Europe, UK and Nordic countries.

Support the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and their United Nations Free & Equal campaign.

Sheila Vega

"Social media guru. Total beer fanatic. Tv ninja. Typical coffee fan. Amateur entrepreneur. Unapologetic food scholar."

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