La Nación / Honda Pilot is already in Paraguay

During his dissertation for the 125th anniversary of the National Chamber of Commerce and Services of Paraguay (CNCSP), Chile expert Axel Kaiser assures that Paraguay is currently the best-ranked country in the region for doing business. The event was attended by important partners and representatives from the trade, service, production and industrial sectors of our country, as well as the president-elect, Santiago Peña.

“Today’s hopes are centered on countries like Paraguay, Uruguay, and maybe Panama,” he said. lawyer and political scientist during the keynote speech named “Latin America: between hope and frustration”which takes place at Paseo La Galería de Asunción this Thursday evening.

Experts value economic freedom on account of our country, assuring that it is an opportunity to attract foreign investment. “Paraguay is in the second group with the largest free economy in the world. Economic freedom is security, property rights, free trade, among other things,” he said.

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On the other hand, he showed it According to a worldwide ranking of economic freedoms, Argentina and Venezuela are the countries with the least economic freedom today. “Politicians are gradually undermining the system, making countries more and more corrupt and inefficient,” he questioned, alluding to left-wing governments in those countries.

Axel Kiaser is a lawyer, doctor of philosophy, university professor, political scientist, author and activist for Austroliberal ideology. So are, columnist for the newspapers Financiero and El Mercurio and it opinion it has been published in the media international such as The Wall Street Journal,, The Washington Post, La Nación from Argentina, El País from Uruguay and El Mundo, among others.

Besides that, is the author of different works such as: Chile is coming (2007), deadly stupidity (2009), The suffering of interventionism (2012) and The Tyranny of Equality (2015), Populist Lies (2016), Whales and capitalism (2018), Street Economist (2021).

Also read: The Ministry of Finance injects more than G. 104,000 million into the economy

For his part, Head of the National Chamber of Commerce, Ernesto Figueredo Coronel, pointed out that the 125 years of CNCSP’s institutional life is one of gratitude and commitment “the visionaries who laid the foundation for our institution and we look to the future with enthusiasm and determination.”

Figueredo said he would continue to represent the trade and services sector before state authorities, “to cooperate with the formulation and application of laws that promote personal initiative and the development of commercial activities in an environment of free competition and equal opportunity”.

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Roderick Gilbert

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