Wednesday night, Cecilie Gotaas Johnsen was elected chairman of Rosenborg’s new board at the club’s annual meeting. Opponents Tore Strømøy suffered a crushing defeat and lost 723 votes against 63.
After the election, Strømøy opposed the treatment he received.
– I almost killed characters from the scene with them taking out Byåsen and others. I didn’t recognize myself in it. It doesn’t matter. I thought I might get up and say something, but that’s not the case. It’s very clear that it’s fine, he said TV 2.
Strømøy said that in the end it was a relief to lose the election.
– With the character assassination from the stage before the vote, I thought that “this is not the place for you, Tore”, he told Address.
Strømøy believes much that was said about him from yesterday’s stage and on social media is not true. Among other things, he was asked to resign before yesterday’s vote and several RBK members strongly opposed his candidacy, Adressa wrote.
– There are people who spend almost all their time fighting so I should have the opportunity to come here. It’s interesting that people do this, he told TV 2 and said that it had been written “a lot of crap”.
Frode Thingsstad was one of those who spoke out against Strømøy, and said so eavisen’s address that he didn’t feel like he was committing character assassination.
– When proposals started coming from Tore, such as the opening of a new stadium, I decided, like Rosenborger, that I would say my opinion. For me, the club is the most important thing, Thingsstad told the newspaper
NEW BOARD CHAIRMAN: Cecilie Gotaas Johnsen has been elected as RBK’s new board chair. Photo; NTB
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RBK general manager Tove Moe Dyrhaug had the following to say about Strømøy’s statement:
– I think it’s a shame if he goes through it. “I think there should be a good atmosphere and that we should be objective and constructive like that,” he told Adressa.
The new board chairman believed that Strømøy himself could have made up his mind.
– He could just take a stand and take a stand on some of the issues we have. Then you can promote what matters to members. “He has a golden opportunity in this,” Gotaas Johnsen told TV 2.
“Amateur analyst. Zombie geek. Hardcore troublemaker. Internet expert. Incurable twitter fanatic.”