The 10 countries with the highest platform usage, according to Semrush

Mexico.- Artificial intelligence continues to grow rapidly And ChatGPTportals from Open AIhas become an essential tool for millions of users around the world.

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence tool which is based on the GPT-3 language model technology. This allows users to interact with chatbots that are capable of answering questions, translating languages ​​and generating content in various areas.

In addition, it can be used in applications for companies and businesses in areas such as customer service, marketing and many more.

Why did ChatGPT generate so much popularity?

Since launching in June 2020, ChatGPT has experienced exponential growth worldwide, which makes OpenAI one of the most visited websites globally. According to Semrush data, traffic to OpenAI websites has more than doubled in recent months, reaching 1.9 billion visitors in March.
The data also shows that 83% of traffic comes from users between the ages of 18 and 34, indicating the importance of technology for the millennial and centennial generations.

Which country leads the traffic on ChatGPT?

Besides the United States, other countries such as Germany, France, India, Brazil, United Kingdom, and Spain are included in the list of 10 countries that use ChatGPT the most. In an analysis published by Semrush, Spain ranks seventh, ahead of countries such as Canada, Italy and the Philippines.

The future of ChatGPT and artificial intelligence

Experts point out that artificial intelligence will continue to develop different areas and ChatGPT This will be key in the digital transformation we are experiencing. OpenAI has shown its potential with the DALL-E imaging tool and it is expected that they will release new applications and improvements to ChatGPT in the future.

ChatGPT popularity And its worldwide impact is only the beginning of a new era in which artificial intelligence will become a fundamental pillar for growth and evolution in many areas of everyday life.

Roderick Gilbert

"Entrepreneur. Internet fanatic. Certified zombie scholar. Friendly troublemaker. Bacon expert."

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