The healthcare sector must go to the cloud

Fredrik Syversen from ICT-Norway and Minister of Health and Care Ingvild Kjerkhol during a roundtable conference regarding digitization work in the National Health and Cooperation Plan.

– We must elevate the public sector to the well-known cloud. It’s a move that will secure public data, but does little to facilitate the ecosystem, more competition, and the opportunity to build stone on stone, said IKT-Norge director of strategy and business development, Fredrik Syversen during round table conference.

Syversen pointed to the British solution Crown Hosting Data Center, which is a UK public cloud service that, among other things, stores health data, but is based on a public/private partnership and has been in operation since 2014. The experience from the UK is very good. Security and privacy have improved dramatically and, in addition, CO2 emissions have been reduced by up to 90%, and costs have been reduced.

Security and privacy are dramatically improved, CO2 emissions are reduced and costs are reduced.

Health technology scheme

Syversen further pointed out that the Government has announced a new funding scheme for cities to support modern record keeping systems. Suppliers are now working with various solutions and alternatives for municipalities that will ensure healthy interaction and competition.

– The scheme must be able to assist the municipal government directly and there must be no intermediaries that make it more expensive. Such schemes should contribute to making investments in new health technologies, so that they can introduce new services and free up health workers and others who can participate in the introduction and change of work processes and routines. It should be stimulated in the last phase, where the service actually changes based on the introduction of new technology. The scheme must also be based on profit targets. In addition, we believe that the scheme should stimulate profit realization by withholding a percentage until the supported projects are actually operational. With more than 300 municipalities and given the amount spent AKSON Journal and Felles Kommunal. We believe the scheme should have an annual limit of at least 300 million, said Syversen

Room to act at the intersection of privacy and security

– We’ve ended up in a situation where the fear of “breaching” privacy regulations paradoxically extends beyond patient safety, says Syversen. He pointed to debate about cloud storage in Helse Sør Øst as an example. – In addition, we found that cross-board sharing and collaboration was discouraged because the rules for sharing information across boards were so complicated that interdisciplinary teams were scarce. We have strong support from Norsk Helsenett in it “sharing” in the system is the way to go. This should happen much more smoothly than today, if we look at it overview of patients and disease for the future population. Uncertainty regarding privacy seriously hindered development, said Syversen

Read IKT-Norge’s written input here.

Sheila Vega

"Social media guru. Total beer fanatic. Tv ninja. Typical coffee fan. Amateur entrepreneur. Unapologetic food scholar."

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