7 free and online English courses you can do

If you’re looking for English language courses To improve your language and you are tired of using mobile apps, you have come to the right place. Today, in the following article, we bring you best free english course so you can learn a language or improve your language skills how to go online.

The internet is a beautiful “world” when we use it properly. Profit There are many websites where we can view English courses online to be able to learn a language or to strengthen the level we already have. In this case, all the courses you will see below are free and you can take them without leaving your home.

C1b3rWall, Police cybersecurity course

Strategies for learning English online

It Platzi . English Academy brings us this interesting course where we can prepare ourselves to create the foundation and structure when learning English online. This course consists of 1 hour hold content, but for whom add up to 6 hours of case studiesto study better.

With this course you will learn Myths and truths about how to learn English effectively, you’ll learn to create and set real learning goals and more. This course is completely free and you can apply from the link below.

Web: Course Strategy to learn English online

Courses for food and restaurants

We took a free English course, now we bring a course dedicated to knowing and learning maximum language to improve restaurant language skills and food. You’ll learn all about British cuisine or how to order what you want to eat.

It courses taught by the British CouncilThis course is for everyone who wants to improve their level of English and wants to to learn a little more about english gastronomy. The approximate duration of the course is 3 hours. You’ll see topics like: British food culture, changing eating habits, and more.

Web: Courses for food and restaurants

Basic English A1

If you never had the opportunity to learn this language at your school, This Easy Classroom course provides it so you can learn the basics of the language. Languages ​​work by levels, the most basic level of English is A1, which you will learn in this course.

It the course consists of 50 hours of audiovisual content with which you will learn from personal pronouns to complex modal verbs. It is one of the most comprehensive courses you can access for free and, in addition, has an evaluation questionnaire to determine your level of learning.

Web: Basic English course A1

Basic English course for business, lessons and vocabulary

Web “course-ingles” brings us a series of very interesting English courses and useful. One of them is a company-oriented learning and vocabulary course, with this course you will be able to learn all the skills to further develop in business.

You will learn how to write correct electronics Correct, expression used in the workplace and you will also learn to make a resume in english right from the start. Best of all, this course has exercises so you can see your progress.

Web: English courses for business and the work environment

English for all by Universidad del Rosario

It Universidad del Rosario has free English courses with which you can learn the basics of this great language. This course has 4 weeks duration with classes from 4 to 6 hours per week. So we will have a maximum duration of 24 hours of course.

It learning model is “At your own pace” so you can learn English without pressure. The course content is as follows: you will learn to explore and identify your knowledge of the language, interpret short conversations, discover your own place and environment and much more.

Web: Basic English courses at Universidad del Rosario

Advanced courses

“Mansioningles” gave us some free course to be able to learn a language from scratch. The course we selected from this website is cadvanced courseThis course is intended for people who want to learn more English and to strengthen their language skills.

This course consists of a total of 10 topics plus a final exam. You have a dedicated section for exercises and audio from the course itself. Best of all, this website allows us to download its 4 levels of English in one file for free to be able to take courses offline.

Web: advanced english course

Improve your English communication skills

East of course is one of the most complete. Coursera is a website for creating all kinds of courses, well, courses “Improve your English communication skills” This will allow us to improve our level of English to be able to communicate better in this language.

This course is completely online and free as long as you access the course as a listener. It Estimated course duration is about 5 months, with an average of 3 hours a week of exercise. Thanks to this course, your English level will improve and you will be able to function better wherever you travel.

Web: Course Improve your English communication skills

Here we leave you The 7 best English courses to be able to study during the summer or whenever you want, that is one of the great advantages of this course on line, because you can study whenever you want and wherever you want. You will be able to have your own rhythm and thus establish an order and obtain a controlled learning rate.

The 20 best podcasts for learning English on Spotify

Roderick Gilbert

"Entrepreneur. Internet fanatic. Certified zombie scholar. Friendly troublemaker. Bacon expert."

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