With the heatwave spreading across Europe, parts of Norway are also feeling it today.
However, it’s “just a speck” of tropical heat, according to meteorologists.
We can thank the heatwave in Great Britain for the “blast”, which yesterday set a new national record of 40.3 degrees, thereby beating the old record of 38.7.
In this country, it is especially those in the south of East Norway, Southern Norway and southern Rogaland who can take advantage of the heat.
– Sharp difference
– Especially places some distance from the coast which we expect to have the highest temperature today. The tallest seems to be inland, towards the Swedish border at stfold, and possibly the inner Telemark. Here the temperature is likely to be between 33 and 34 degrees, said Meteorologist on duty Pernille Borander.
He also highlighted Halden, Kongsvinger, Nesbyen, Kongsberg and Evje as good candidates for places that will experience high temperatures on Wednesday.
Here, many people can look forward to over 30 degrees and the so-called tropical heat.
Taking action in the heat
Among the country’s largest cities, it seems the capital has pulled the longest hay. According to meteorologists, Oslo smells like 30 degrees.
– In Bergen there are storms and thunder. The temperature will probably rise a little above 20, so it will definitely be comfortable there today. Trondheim can also expect rain throughout the day, Borander said.
– There is a fairly sharp separation of the mountain house to the north and west, so here the temperature will be lower. But in Stavanger it can go up to 30, he added.
Hottest this year
Stavanger also left a tropical night, meaning the temperature didn’t drop below 20 degrees. In Rogaland there were as many as five stations measuring last night’s tropical night, and Borander doesn’t ignore the fact that more places will experience the phenomenon in the coming nights.
In the north, the people of Troms can enjoy a nice summer day on Wednesdays. The same was true for those west of Finland and far north of the county.
– Where will it be coldest today?
– Today there is another clear gap in East Finnmark. It was cloudy and rainy there. 12-13 degrees is forecast in the hottest places, meteorologists said and singled out Båtsfjord and Mehavn as the two places that would be the coldest today.

Norwegians vacationing in London: – Very warm
With the exception of a few places, it looks like today will be the warmest day of the year so far.
– The previous heat record for 2022 was set on June 29. Then 32.5 degrees were measured across both the Tana and Banak bridges. “We are ready to break that record today,” said Borander.
Strong call
But unfortunately the heat here is not for staying. Already from Friday, the weather will change greatly.
– It’s short-lived. Some places might go up to 30 degrees tomorrow too, but for now it’s over. Starting Friday, the summer weather changes we’ve experienced so far in July will continue. The low pressure continues and the weekend is expected to be wet and gray in places. For places that are warm and comfortable today, the temperature will drop drastically in the next few days.
Meteorologists also stated that storms had been reported in several places in the country, which had not been previously reported. This is especially true in areas of Western Norway and further east, such as Geilo.
On Twitter, meteorologists wrote that there was a risk of a lot of lightning and thunder over much of southern Norway.
– There will be local intensity differences and some places will not get thunderstorms at all, they wrote.
Border makes a strong appeal to all those who have decided to head to the mountains on Wednesday:
– Check notifications on yr.no.
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