López Obrador offers Argentina presidential plane

Since before serving as the 65th president in Mexican history, López Obrador offered to sell it, considering it “luxury”, “luxurious” and “pharaoh”.

In December 2018, the Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner was delivered to San Bernardino, California, in the United States, for maintenance.

It is a plane with a capacity of 80 passengers, meeting rooms, bedrooms with king beds, treadmills, high-speed internet, private offices, which is why President López Obrador refuses to use them.

So far, he’s only boarded the plane to record the venue with the aim of promoting the raffle which takes place in September 2020 and has a 100 million pesos prize pool.

In February this year, José María Morelos y Pavón celebrated six years on the maiden flight of Enrique Peña Nieto’s six-year tenure, when he transferred the federal chief executive to Hermosillo, Sonora. It was in service for two years and 10 months and made more than 150 flights worldwide: visiting countries like New York, USA; Great Britain and Northern Ireland; Davos, Switzerland; Saint Petersburg, Russia; Bali, Indonesia; Paris and Marseille, France; Australia; Chilli; Costa Rica; Rome Italy; Boao and Hong Kong, China, and Lisbon, Portugal.

Roderick Gilbert

"Entrepreneur. Internet fanatic. Certified zombie scholar. Friendly troublemaker. Bacon expert."

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