Russo-Ukrainian war: reaction in Mexico to the conflict


AMLO waives economic sanctions against Russia after invasion of Ukraine: what the president says

President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) put aside economic sanctions against Russia as has been done by various countries, after the country led by Vladimir Putin decided to attack Ukraine; however, it condemns this fact, because Mexico supports non-intervention and popular sovereignty.

The president said this in a conference from National Palace before the question that if in addition to punishment, our country will impose sanctions, including economic sanctions such as those carried out by the United States, Britain and the European Union.

“We will not carry out any economic retaliation, because we want to have good relations with all governments in the world and we want to be able to talk to the parties to the conflict,” the chief executive said, pointing out that our country already has a clear position of respect for nations.

As to whether he has had talks with the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, AMLO said no and he has not yet engaged in conversations with the Ukrainian president, Volodímir Zelenski, but he supports promoting humanitarian aid to the country, with the aim that the population is not disadvantaged and does not lack needs. base.

Henrietta Fairbank

"Amateur analyst. Zombie geek. Hardcore troublemaker. Internet expert. Incurable twitter fanatic."

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