A new king for a new time

There are historical pictures scrolling on the screen on Friday.

King Charles III has delivered his first address as monarch of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, head of the Commonwealth and patron of religions.

The Carolingian age, however brief, has begun in England.

Speech begins correctly.

Credit and thanks to his mother, the late Queen Elizabeth II. For 70 years, the queen has been protagonist, extra and spectator of historical upheaval in her country and the world.

New time

Queen Elizabeth became queen at another time, where the norms and customs of another time prevailed. Despite the criticism leveled at the late Queen Elizabeth II for running an institution previously founded on imperialism and oppression, King Charles III responded to this criticism.

New king, new time.

In other and older times, the king was the head who ruled over his people, his people. Louis XIV’s immortal quote “I am the country, the country is me” has stood as an example of the strongest form of monarchical power: absolute power.

When King Charles I tried to introduce this form of government in England in the 17th century, he was convicted of treason and executed by beheading.

King Charles III became king in a time of social unrest and crisis, like his predecessors. However, the new King Charles’ starting point was different.

The king must serve the people, which was emphasized by King Charles III in his speech. Her personal faith, now the king’s protector, has taught her to serve others.

Like the motto of the British royal family, the king has God and his rights (Dieu et mon droit).

Course changed

King Charles III also had to change his personal style.

As crown prince, he has exercised influence on political decisions, such as a proposal to build a skyscraper around St. Paul’s Cathedral. Paul in London.

The then Prince of Wales used his role and influence to get the proposal rejected.

This was discussed in the King’s Speech, where Charles III said that he could no longer devote so much time to the organizations and causes that he loved so much.

Now he will rule.

Change isn’t just for the king. It’s an entire line of succession changing, as everyone moves one step closer to the throne, including his son, Prince William.

He and his wife, Duchess Catherine, were referred to in speeches for the first time as Prince and Princess of Wales by the new monarch.

A hand also goes out to Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan, with good wishes for their lives on the other side of the Atlantic.

“London Bridge Down”, but King Charles has already built a new bridge.

King Charles III was about to make his own royal act and heal the royal house marked by some deep wounds.

The King’s first speech should make us all optimistic.

The crown always finds its way to the right head.

Jordan Schuman

"Freelance bacon fanatic. Amateur internet scholar. Award-winning pop culture fan."

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