A study shows what we all know: that a week without Instagram or TikTok reduces anxiety and depression | Technology

Do you check TikTok or Instagram several times a day? Do you feel anxious or depressed after using it? Break time…

That social media dilemma never ending. They entertain us and connect us with people, but it’s their algorithm that drives addiction and cravings throughout the day produce anxiety, stress, and feelings of inferiority.

A decade ago we spent 90 minutes a day on social media, but now an average of more than two hours a daybased on Stadis. In many cases, consuming junk content.

Given that life expectancy in Spain is around 80 years, if a person starts using social networks at the age of 15, he will spend 6 full years of his life hooked.

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The problem is not just the time we lose, but the effect it has. Updates and notifications constantly generate us anxiety and stress. A perfect life full of success and activity that the network shows us (in most cases, completely wrong), earns us inferiority complex, and depression.

Profit A lesson from the University of Bath, in the UK, who reached us through Business Insiderconclude that It only took a week without Instagram or TikTok to reduce anxiety and depression.

The researchers divided 154 people between the ages of 18 and 72 into two groups. On the one hand, users who cannot use social networks, and on the other hand, those who will resume their normal activities.

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Using activity tracking software, even if prohibited groups without social networks use it an average of 3 minutes a day. On the other hand, the non-limited group used it on average One hour a day.

Subsequent evaluation confirmed that the group without social networks had less anxiety and depression. Not only do they feel freer by not receiving constant notifications and not waiting all day, but they get more than an hour a day which they can use in other recreational activities, or in things like exercising, preparing food, or cleaning the house.

This study is interesting because it shows that no need to make great efforts to reduce the negative effects of social networks: just stopped for a week.

The problem is This kind of app doesn’t work like that. They are not designed to stop for a week now and then. Their algorithms link content, push continuous updates, and bombard you with unlimited content and continuous scrolling. If you’re a week without connecting, you’re missing out on conversation threads, topics, and content.

And even though networks like Instagram try to cover up this addiction with lukewarm acts like add a notification like “Take a break” when you’ve been scrolling for a long time, it’s a marketing act and a facelift, more than anything else.

This is a dilemma that many Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and enterprise users have to face.

Roderick Gilbert

"Entrepreneur. Internet fanatic. Certified zombie scholar. Friendly troublemaker. Bacon expert."

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